All photos have been uploaded unedited for speed. If you are interested in purchasing a photo please either message or email me the gallery, along with the photo filename. A fully edited version of that photo (straightened, cropped, lighting etc) will then be uploaded. Please don't add any photos to your cart, or buy any photos until I've edited and uploaded the photos from your list.
Class 4 - Preliminary W Q - Test 14 ( 2006) - ShortClass 5 - Preliminary W Q - Test 15 ( 2008) - LongClass 7 - Novice W - Test 23 (Rev 2016) ( 2012) - LongClass 8 - Novice W Q - Test 38 ( 2005) - LongClass 9 - Music Freestyle W Q - Novice ( 2019) - LongClass 10 - Elementary W - Test 43 ( 2006) - LongClass 11 - Elementary W Q - Test 53 ( 2007) - LongClass 12 - Music Freestyle W Q - Elem ( 2019) - LongClass 13 - Medium W - Test 61 ( 2002) - LongClass 14 - Medium W Q - Test 73 ( 2007) - LongClass 15 - Music Freestyle W Q - Med. ( 2016) - LongClass 16 - Advanced Medium W - Test 85 ( 2009) - LongClass 17 - Advanced Medium W Q - Test 92 ( 2011) - LongClass 18 - Music Freestyle W Q - Adv Med ( 2016)